- ![](https://youtu.be/cN7z1_I0EzE)
- \[00:00:00\] In my prior video, I mentioned wanting to move away from Google Keep for my short transcribed voice notes.
- \[00:00:06\] Here, I want to demo what I've built to replace my Google Keep use.
- \[00:00:12\] What you see on the screen currently are the neurons and synapses of my digital external brain.
- \[00:00:18\] If I click on this one, I end up opening my notes app, Obsidian.
- \[00:00:26\] This particular note is a summary of the litter box sifting for the day.
- \[00:00:31\] As you can see, we have one of each of the two types, along with a single event where they were sifted.
- \[00:00:38\] Now, to show a live demo, on the right is streaming video from my phone.
- \[00:00:46\] This is live.
- \[00:00:48\] I'm going to swipe down on the top right.
- \[00:00:51\] I'm going to take a recording and we're going to see what happens.
- \[00:00:58\] I just sifted a pea clump from the back litter box.
- \[00:01:12\] Alright, so we can see that the total pea has been updated.
- \[00:01:16\] We can see that the events list has been updated.
- \[00:01:19\] I'll get back to the events list in a moment, but you may have seen something happen over here on the graph.
- \[00:01:24\] If we go back one frame, we can see essentially this digital neuron cluster that was involved in all the things for generating this report.
- \[00:01:35\] Now, let me show you a little bit more about what's going on here.
- \[00:01:40\] This app is called Obsidian, and one of its features is backlinks, these link dimensions.
- \[00:01:46\] Essentially, this note, litterboxes sifting, is mentioned by my note for the day.
- \[00:01:52\] I mention that because this event, there's a note associated with it.
- \[00:01:58\] There's a lot going on, you don't need to care about all these details, but you can see the text of my transcribed voice note there.
- \[00:02:05\] Now, we can keep using backlinks, and we can jump to all cat transcriptions.
- \[00:02:11\] Now, it's the beginning of the day, so I don't have a lot of demo data here,
- \[00:02:15\] but what you can definitely see is that some of these things are automatically crossed off.
- \[00:02:21\] So in this case, we automatically integrated the litterbox note, so there's no need to really review it.
- \[00:02:27\] That's the point of this not automatically structured, is that's what I actually want to review, and the all is just there for context.
- \[00:02:36\] That's kind of the gist of what I wanted to show here, just this idea of an external digital brain being able to do more than what apps typically do,
- \[00:02:46\] as well as providing what I call idea provenance, the idea that you can trace back what's going on.
## "Listeners" zoom-in
If I say, "I sifted a pee clump from the front litter box" here's what it looks like:
![[Pasted image 20240725135338.png]]
- Here we see the "Gossiper" (pink 🗣️) on the left
- It activates multiple listeners
- Only the cats listener (brown 👂) propagates the voice note